Arthritis, falls, accidents and wear and tear on the bones and joints in the spine also play a part in stenosis. Weakness can have causes that aren’t due to underlying disease. Examples include poor physical conditioning, recovery from strength training, or extreme fatigue.
Weakness can have causes that aren’t due to underlying disease. Examples include poor physical conditioning, recovery from strength training, or extreme fatigue. Weakness in the extremities could also signify an underlying issue with your back or spine that could signify a slipped disc or pinched nerve.
You may experience the feeling of your leg giving out when walking or standing. This can occur when you are sitting or standing for long periods of time. The feeling of weakness can happen unexpectedly and may have a feeling of instability.
Prevention is the key to weakness within the legs. Eating a healthy diet, not overdoing exercise and preventing the overuse of muscles when exercising are some of the most common preventions. However, if you experience prolonged weakness in the legs or extremities then you may have an underlying condition such as slipped disc, pinched nerve, or other ailments.
If you are struggling with a sustained injury or pain in the back, neck, or shoulder areas, you should call (713) 999-2615 to schedule an exam with one of our greater Houston Doctors. It is our goal for you to have as little pain as possible while regaining your full range of motion.