The 3 Quantum Healing Mastery Keys

The 3 Quantum Healing Mastery Keys

The 3 Quantum Healing
Mastery Keys
Discover how to remove the neurological, energetic, emotional stress and trauma interference that activates Soul to Cell™ healing and transforms every aspect of your patient’s lives.
Register Here Now!
June 7th | 11:00 AM Pacific, 2:00 PM Eastern 
A Live Global Online Event with Dr. Doug Lehrer, D.C., Master Evolutionary Healer, Cellular Resonance Quantum Healing technique innovator, and founder of Lehrer School of Energy Medicine Mastery.
Like the many practitioners I’ve worked with, you aspire to up-level your healing mastery results transforming people’s health, happiness, AND success in life. 
You too aspire to completely heal physically and emotionally, and create amazing loving relationships, deeper soul connection, and the financial stability and abundance you deserve.
Imagine a life and business that generates greater possibilities… Healing miracles… Opening hearts and minds… Reconnecting people to their highest healing potential and vibration.
It is possible… The real problem is that everyone is traumatized, stressed out, and living in 24/7 survival mode… especially the last two years!
It’s frustrating, even heartbreaking to know this truth… But not how to access and heal the true underlying causes of your patient's problems - the trauma, stress, suppressed emotions, and epigenetic familial patterns encoded in the brain, subconscious mind, and soul energy fields.
This is why patient's conditions and symptoms don’t heal completely or come back… or new problems occur.
Because we haven’t solved the real problem.
Many of you already know you’re here to assist the great awakening of humanity… to help the whole person heal at evolutionary multidimensional levels…
That’s why I’ve developed the 3 Keys… So you can up-level your super healing powers to consistently help people heal the core causes and respective conditions.
The 3 Quantum Healing Mastery Keys shows you the essentials to help people get unstuck from 24/7 survival mode… And activate soul to cell™ healing that generates true health, happiness and success.
Key #1: Technique Mastery. Tapping into the Quantum Field, Brain and Body to access, find and clear the causes in the body, mind, & soul trinity.
Key #2: Facilitation Mastery. How to lead and communicate with the patient simply, through an evolutionary healing process in a few minutes.
Key #3: Self Mastery. The secrets to transform Fear to LoveTM …and embody your highest purpose, power, and presence to be your true self… and achieve your dreams.
By the end of this webinar, you’ll know what it takes to become a mastery level revolutionary healer…
Know the keys to heal the core trauma, stress and epigenetic causes of most any symptom, condition, or life problems.
And how to create a lucrative evolutionary healing practice transforming fear to love from cell to soul.
Come join us at this “revolutionary Healer”
world-wide Global online event.
Dr. Ken Galera, M.D.
Clinic director for Dr. Mercola
"Dr. Doug is one of my top mentors in healing alongside Dr. Andrew Weil. I now have the confidence and power to help people beyond my wildest expectations… and connect more deeply to who I truly am."
Tison Lui
Chinese medicine/healer
"Dr. Doug’s mentorship allowed me to make an additional $100,000 my first year practicing his brilliant Cellular Resonance Technique. I also healed my divorce and attracted a wonderful new husband with Dr. Doug’s healings."
Dr. Rob Gottesman
"Doug taught me more about how to heal patients than I learned from all other technique seminars combined. His Cellular Resonance Quantum Healing work is genius!"
Meet Dr. Doug
Dr. Doug Lehrer, DC, CQM, is a master transformational healer, visionary, teacher and innovator of Cellular Resonance TechniqueTM, a quantum healing system. His mission is to raise the health, love and prosperity consciousness of humanity by teaching how to heal, transform and empower patients from Soul to CellTM.
Cellular Resonance Technique (CRT) is a clinical proven, evidence-based in neuroscience, epigenetics, quantum physics, chiropractic, chinese medicine, neurolinguistics, neuroimmunology, ancient wisdom, spiritual psychology, and universal principles.
Founder of Lehrer School of Energy Medicine Mastery and Rich-in-Health non-profit foundation dedicated to doctors, healers and luminaries whose greatest aspiration is to deeply help people heal at the core level by resolving the core trauma, stress, fear-based consciousness, and epigenetic patterns held the brain, body, mind and soul energetics that are at original cause of all pain, depression, obesity, dis-ease conditions - and human suffering.  
Dr. Doug first discovered energy medicine when he was praying to God to take him because he was in excruciating pain from two herniated discs and sciatica and suffered from depression, anxieties, irritable bowel syndrome, hypoglycemia, and migraines.
He has performed over 500,000 healing sessions in 37 years. He has worked with doctors, psychologists, entrepreneurs, C-executives, coaches, film makers, actors, celebrities, royalty, spiritual leaders, and his very favorite moms, babies, kids and teenagers.

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